Privacy Policy


  1. We need to collect personal information about you to assist us to conduct our business functions, to market and sell our products and services, and to: (i) comply with relevant State and Federal law and government regulations and any applicable privacy laws that we are subject to; (ii) assist us in providing you with information and support for our products or services; (iii) to manage and administer any account you may have with us; (iv) to communicate with you and provide you with information, products or services you have requested; (v) to promote and market our products and services, or the products and services our third party alliance partners to you; (vi) to allow us to provide advertising material to you regarding us, our customers and other third party alliance partners; (vii) to allow you to use OMC International's various products or services to assist you in conducting your business; (viii) to personalise and customise your experiences on our Website; and (ix) to share your personal information with our related entities, business partners and selected third parties
  2. By providing your personal information to us, you: (1) agree that it will be used and disclosed by OMC International in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy, as updated or amended from time to time, which can be accessed at (Privacy Policy) ; (2) acknowledge having accessed and read our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, you must not provide your personal information, and you may not be able to: (i) receive information and support for our products or services; (ii) establish an account with us, or use our products or services; (iii) receive information from us regarding products or services you have requested from us; (iv) receive promotional, advertising or marketing material about our products and services, or those of our third party alliance partners; or (v) have a personalised and customised experience on our Website.
  3. We may disclose your personal information to: (i) third parties, in connection with the purposes described above in paragraph 1; (ii) our third party alliance partners, who may provide products similar or complementary to the products or services we provide; (iii) government regulatory agencies and associated organisations (iv) third parties who provide products and services to us or through us in the ordinary operation, administration or promotion of our business (such as our internet and cloud service providers) and otherwise in accordance with our Privacy Policy. From time to time, these third parties may be located (and therefore your personal information may be disclosed) overseas.
  4. We may also use and disclose your personal information for direct marketing purposes, unless you opt out (which you can do at any time in accordance with our Privacy Policy or by writing to The OMC International Privacy Policy contains information about how you may access and seek correction of your personal information, how you may complain about a breach of your privacy, and how we will deal with that complaint.

Review date: 7 June 2018

Please also refer to AMSA Copyright and Privacy Policy